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Rabu, 16 Mei 2012

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Selasa, 15 Mei 2012


Oleh : Koord. Materi Keislaman
A. Sekilas Biografi Hassan Hanafi
Memahami pemikiran seseorang, tidak bisa dilepaskan dari perspektif historis kelahiran pemikiran beserta ruang lingkup yang mempengaruhinya. Ada beragam faktor yang turut terlibat dalam memunculkan karakteristik pemikiran seseorang. Menurut Anton Bakker dan Charis Zubair (1990: 47), sebagaimana dikutip Listiyono Santoso (2007: 267) manusia itu makhluk historis. Maka memahami pemikiran Hanafi juga tidak bisa dilepaskan dari berbagai faktor yang mempengaruhi terbentuknya karakteristk dasar pemikirannya.

Rabu, 07 September 2011


A. Religious Obedience

 a. Understanding Religious Obedience In order to get a clearer picture then here the author explores the definition and meaning of religious devotion. The meaning and significance of religious observance as follows: Obedience is a form of religious experience in the form of attitudes and actions of one's religiosity, which consists of two words namely "obedience" and "religion". According to General Indonesian Dictionary composed by WJS Purwodarminto mention that the word "obedience" comes from the word "obey" means obedient, disobedient, piety, and worship, then gets konfik "to - the" meaning of compliance or piety. [1 ]

Selasa, 06 September 2011

Ahlussunnah wal Jama'ah Ulama (Abdullah Al Harary)

He is the great ^alim (Islamic scholar), an example of the ^ulama' (Islamic scholars), al-'Imam, al-Muhaddith, the pious worshipper, ash-Shaykh Abu ^Abdir-Rahman, ^Abdullah Ibn Muhammad Ibn Yusuf, al-Harariyy, ash-Shaybiyy, al-^Abdariyy, the Mufti of as-Sumal (Somalia). He is al-Harariyy because he is from the city of Harar. In 1887, as-Sumal was occupied and divided into five parts and the western province (Harar) was given to al-Habashah (Ethiopia). He is ash-Shaybiyy because Banu Shaybah is a clan of Quraysh and they are the people in charge of al-Ka^bah. He is al-^Abdariyy because he also belongs to ^Abd-ud-Dar, a clan of Qusayy Ibn Kilab, the fourth grandfather of Prophet Muhammad, sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam.